Left Overs

  • Play:
  • Song Name: Left Overs
  • Artist: Liam and Craig
  • Album: The Comic Cast
  • Year: 2009

If the first Comic Cast of the New Year is anything to go by - things are looking bleak. Both of our hosts have been struck with that bug everyone from Uncle Ed to Gramps Joe seems to have at the minute. So wrap up well and have the Lemsip at hand as this week the Comic Cast sniffles over the Watchmen internet cartoon, the DC Super Heroes Jumbo Colour and Activity Book, the Marvel Vault, the DC Vault, Jim Davis’ Garfield Gets Real DVD, Jeff Loeb and Tim Sail’s DareDevil Yellow, Astonishing X-Men and Invincible Ironman. We also take a look back on some of the best and worst comics of 2008 and what we’re looking forward to in 2009. Achoo!